It really is a sight to see and not really for the faint hearted especially at the point of piercings and the removing. It is just unfortunately I am not able to be there in the evening to catch the really elobrate Kavadis.
These people have to walk about 4km (2.5miles) barefoot and in the day it is especially harder with the heat and the very hot road. It is made even more challenging with the fact that these devotees have fasted between 1 week and 3 days before.
Here are some shots from this morning. A warning for the squeamish, there are shots of body piercings!
The event is really a family event where members of the family and friends participate in the walk with the devotee to provide support.
Even the young participate. Some carry milk pots while there are the few that do the pirecing.
I mentioned milk pots. Devotees can opt to carry a milk pot instead of the extreme Kavadi due to reasons of their own. The expression on this man shows his quiet devotion.
My eye caught sight of this walking stick. Many Kavadi carriers use a walking stick to support themselves through the walk due to the weight of the Kavadi.
Lime is a symbol of protection. Yes, those limes have been hooked to his body.
The Kavadis and the rest of the shots.
Just a background. There were several shots taken while I was lying on the ground. In this shot you can see the man on the left smiling at me.